A fresh start- and a night out of bed
Yes, I will someday have a blog with photos! But for now, this will have to do. So I'm starting again. Which feels very good!
Lambing looks to start this evening for real- Cloud's twins born on the 7th were warm-up. The barn is quite a walk from the house....(and yes, we knew this- the land has definite constraints.). Right now the walk is a long and unlovely squish through mud. Not something undertaken sleepily in pajamas. Especially since the intercoms we put in are giving us just static- can't hear grunts and digging. All in all, the barn looks cosier than multiple trips to make sure all is well.
This reminds me of the three summers we took turns sleeping in the truck- to guard lambs, then to help the llama guard sheep, then to protect the livestock guard dogs from irate neighbors.....a week in the barn looks to be a vacation!!
Posted: to General News on Sat, Mar 28, 2015
Updated: Sat, Mar 28, 2015